Saturday, October 27, 2007

07: scripting

Immediately after playing with scriptographer you can get a feel for how scripting can work to create dynamic evolving images. An analysis of Ernst Haeckel's work suggests that branching patterns and nesting patterns should work well for the traces. In the case of my sync discs I'm looking for geometric patterns with a "biological feel" that fit some stringent rules. In order for the traces to work on the boards they can't touch one another. I also need to be able to access each trace with a wire so that I can actually solder the switch to the system. I'm soliciting help from java pros to help me script, what I hope will be a fairly simple tool. A big shout out to Josh Cotten who I've already harassed to give me some advice. The curly cue below is a rough sketch example of how the script might appear graphically. The basic outline is such that:

1. I'd like to make spirals with tapering widths.
2. I'd like to draw one "parent" spiral and then have random spirals generated from that single one in tiny curly cues--sort of like branches in a tree script. Where no curly cues touch each other but they do taper.
3. When I execute the script I'd like to make sure that no "parent" script touches another "parent" script but that they almost nest really close together.

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