Sunday, October 14, 2007

paskian environments

This video is a little long but I thought it added a little perspective to the monster-machine dialogue. The Cybernetics "tutorial" is provided by Paul Pangaro.

"The Paskian model is much more difficult to implement, though far more productive, in particular because it relies on intrinsically more "intelligent"-type interactions, and because it requires a stronger foundational model of what an intelligent interaction is. We analogise it this way: when we meet new people, being intelligent does not necessarily mean we will like them; we tend instinctively to like people if they are amenable and affable rather than if they are intelligent. However, it is conversations with intelligent people (in whatever terms) that in the long term are most productive because they are generative. That is, they lead to new perspectives and actions."

I'm currently reading through Microman: Living and Growing with Computers which was written by Gordon Pask & Susan Curran in 1982. Obviously, technology has come a-l-o-n-g way since then but the discussion is still the same. I would argue that it is even more apparent today that computers are no longer merely tools but a species in their own right. Gone are the easy distinctions between living and non-living systems, between human intelligence and machine intelligence.

Just a little something to chew on.


paul pangaro said...

what is a species? why are computers species?

Marnie Gartrell said...

Thanks for your comment. I was thrilled to see that you had visited the blog. I can't address your questions tonight because of a looming deadline in the morning but I will most certainly do so as soon as I can. I hope you'll visit again soon. I'm just starting my exploration of cybernetics/paskian environments so I hope you'll bear with me.

gregory beck rubin said...

Dear Marnie,

'Paskian' environment...don't get it. Did you mean to spell 'Pakistan'? I get that.

gregory beck rubin said...

Dear Marnie,

'Paskian' environment...don't get it. Did you mean to spell 'Pakistan'? I get that.