Wednesday, October 31, 2007

10: new media. new headaches

I have been working all morning on the sync discs. Ironing the transfer paper to the copper boards and cutting, sanding the substrate. The entire transfer process (trial:BATCH 3) had oirr adhesion. The ink didn't transfer although I was using high temperature and tonnes of pressure--following the same recipe I used to complete trial:BATCH 2 successfully. During BATCH 2 I transfered side one to the disc using the same staples copy paper but using images that had just been printed approx.15 minutes before the transfer process. During BATCH 3 I did the printing days ahead of time and waited to transfer the traces later in the week. I think that was a mistake because I'm working with a Canon laser copier on glossy settings and it must be that over time the ink bond to the paper strengthens. Lesson learned.

Apparently, the biggest issue with the transfer application was not time but was, in fact, soap. During the soaking process the copper discs were submerged in hot soapy water to loosen the paper bond to the ink. Oily soapy residues prohibited the transfer process. I discovered this after re-doing the entire batch with fresh trace prints (trial: BATCH 4) only to have the transfer process fail for the second time.

trial: Batch 3 poor quality traces

Thanks to Darcy for suggesting that copper should be cleaned with soya sauce?! I'll try that next.

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